Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Our Inspiration

The idea for this blog actually came about last Christmas, and somewhere on this computer, I have quite a few pictures of bad decorations (trust me, you'll see them as time goes by). It started with a simple drive to my brother's and ended with a dream.

Now, the house wasn't horribly decorated. It just wasn't decorated very well. A string of multicolored lights draped along the exterior of a home just around the corner from my brother's house. I don't mean that it was strung out in a straight line that is more exact than any I could ever draw. No, I mean it was draped. Even that, in itself, would not be enough for me to cry fowl (though I did see one tonight that made me second-guess that opinion).

What made us laugh and point each and every time we drove by was how it had been draped along the windows, then ran down the middle of the house to the front door and wrapped around until it moved along the top of the garage. In print, that may not seem so odd, but trust me, in person it was just odd.

I drove by there earlier tonight on my way to grab my brother to take some photos that you will soon see here. And while the house is a bit better than last year, it's still just enough to remind me of why I do this - drive around neighborhoods with my spider tripod wrapped around the door of my car, taking pictures of houses and hoping the occupants don't call the cops thinking I'm a burglar-to-be.

So, without further ado, our inspiration (pay special attention to how the windows connect to the door to the garage):

And yes, I really hate those blue LED lights. Can't get them to photograph right to save my life.

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